Tuesday 23 January 2024

3 Fallacies

 3 Fallacies I propose. 

Kitten Stomper
The Kitten Stomper Fallacy refers to a rhetorical device or argumentative approach where the speaker asserts the efficiency or effectiveness of a concept, idea, or device without regard for ethical considerations, practicality, or market viability. The term originates from a satirical example where inventors claim 100% efficiency at killing kittens with a device, highlighting the absurdity of prioritizing efficacy without ethical or real-world constraints.

Psychological Denialism.
Psychological Denialism refers to a cognitive bias or argumentative stance where an individual dismisses or downplays well-established principles and observations related to real-world human behavior. This denial often involves avoiding acknowledgment of psychological phenomena, tendencies, or motivations, hindering a comprehensive understanding of human actions and reactions.

Gorilla in the Mirror Syndrome.
Gorilla in the Mirror Syndrome refers to a cognitive bias or communication pattern where an individual, in the course of disagreement or discussion, assumes that those holding differing opinions harbor nefarious motives or intentions. This syndrome involves a tendency to attack perceived motives with vigor, overlooking nuances in the opposing perspective and hindering constructive dialogue due to an unfounded assumption of ill intent. The term is metaphorically derived from the behavior of gorillas, who, when confronted with their own reflection, may become defensive and attack without recognizing that the image is themselves, symbolizing a failure to appreciate the true nature of differing viewpoints